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Skaar (Marvel Comics)
- A Mod for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance.
One of the children born from the Incredible Hulk and the late Caiera
the Oldstrong on the planet Sakaar long after the Hulk (under the
persona of the Green Scar), had left for Earth to avenge Caiera's tragic
death, Skaar had to fight for his very survival from birth as much
local wildlife tried to kill him.
Aging up quickly to that of
adulthood in a mere year (due to his mixed genetics), Skaar would
quickly learn of his true heritage, gradually learning to speak more
intelligently and channel the mysterious 'Old Power' that his late
mother had mastered for many years, in order to better deal with the
local events happening across Sakaar.
However, Skaar would use
his godlike abilities for selfish reasons, going so far as to side with
the corrupt Red King who had been previously deposed by the Hulk and
forcibly enslave the Silver Surfer once more with an Obedience Disk, in a
fruitless attempt to keep Galactus away from Sakaar.
Lost in a
state of revenge (despite the protests of Caiera's spirit to put the
good people of Sakaar before himself), Skaar made it clear of his
intentions to simplemindedly kill everyone on Sakaar that he personally
deemed evil, after glimpsing the destruction of so many innocent lives
while channelling the Old Power.
Soon realising that Skaar was
willing to doom billions of lives across the universe by Galactus's
hands in order to preserve the planet Sakaar and his mother's spirit at
the expense of everything else (unsuspectingly destroying the evacuation
ships and dooming Sakaarian citizens), Caiera denounced Skaar as her
son for his actions and forcibly exiled him to Earth through a wormhole,
absorbing the entirety of the Old Power essence into herself as Caiera
sacrificed herself to appease Galactus's hunger without sacrificing
His arrival on Earth detected by the Fantastic Four's
advanced scientific instruments, Skaar would face off against them and
Jennifer Walters' She-Hulk, but it wouldn't be long before his father
learned of Skaar's presence on Earth.
Banner doing what he could
to keep the 'Green Scar' persona repressed upon subconsciously
recognising Caiera in Skaar's eyes (knowing how dangerous that persona's
strength was to unleash), the Savage Hulk took charge of Banner's body
instead and mindlessly attacked Skaar despite protests from his friends
to stop, stating that Skaar was his son (upon learning of his origins
during an earlier confrontation).
The Savage Hulk too lost in
battle to listen, father and son brutally fought one another for quite
some time, before Skaar stabbed the Savage Hulk in the chest with his
sword when the Hulk got distracted (claiming he came to kill a king for
abandoning his people and not a clown, leaving him to heal his wounds as
Skaar hopped away, prepared to return and finish the Hulk proper when
the 'Green Scar' newly emerged).
Secluding himself in the
wilderness, Skaar would find himself tracked down by his biologically
older alternate universe sister from Earth-8009, Lyra, the Savage
She-Hulk as a favor for Bruce and Jennifer.
Questioning why she
was here and who she was, Lyra explained her backstory of being a child
of the Hulk as well (her mother being the Femizon Thundra), as she was
the first child born in her original universe in decades.
how similar they were in many ways, Lyra would take on Skaar as a
student in the art of combat (the two training and growing together as
individuals while Skaar prepared for his rematch against the Green Scar
persona of the Hulk, facing off against major villains his father
regularly fought in the meantime).
But when it finally came time
for the inevitable confrontation between father and son as a depowered
Bruce Banner absorbed specialised energy from a device known as the
Cathexis Ray to thwart the plans of the Intellgencia and cure several
unlucky superheroes of gamma radiation exposure by their hands, the
Green Scar persona would finally be let loose on the world once more as
the strain Banner took on to save the world, could no longer keep the
Green Scar persona at bay.
Initially taunting the Green Scar
persona of his prior time on Sakaar and the selfish actions he had
employed, this would lead to a very bloody battle as the Green Scar
became insane with rage, pummelling Skaar over and over as the childhood
abuse that had affected Bruce Banner so long ago, came bubbling back to
the surface.
Finally realising that his father was not the
uncaring monster he had mistakenly assumed for so long and reflecting on
his past actions with the insight he'd gained along the way, Skaar
gained a better understanding of Bruce's condition than anyone else in
that moment, prepared to let go of his hatred as he transformed back to
his child form for the first time since he'd arrived on Earth.
for fate to claim him, the Green Scar would stop fighting after
regaining a sense of clarity (not wanting to kill his son and repeat the
abusive cycle of Brian Banner anew), changing back to Bruce Banner.
by Betty Ross (who had been discovered earlier as the true identity of
the mysterious Red She-Hulk), to comfort Skaar and confront their
problems directly, Bruce was initially afraid to do so upon seeing
himself as his long dead vile father and Skaar as him in his temporary
insanity-induced rage.
But ultimately, Bruce and Skaar would make
amends peacefully, the two accepting each other as proper family, Lyra
smiling from the sidelines that Skaar had managed to figure things out
on his own.
Now, Skaar has become more comfortably accepted among
the family of Hulks after several years have passed, now
more mature and wiser, taking Lyra's teachings to heart while more
calmly channeling his strength and control over the Old Power
Alerted by SHIELD of an attack on the Omega Base
from the quiet serenity of Avengers Mansion (being among the new
generation heroes to reside there by Captain America), Skaar got angry
and transformed, knowing his father was among the people on that
floating ship through covert messages and leaped off for Stark Tower...
Currently lacks his own mannequin file at time of writing and requires a skinner within the MarvelMods community to create one for Skaar. In the meantime, he'll just use the mannequin of another character who shares his animation number or have no mannequin at all. Still selectable for gameplay regardless.
FEATURES: -5 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme -Abilities of might, healing factor, immunity to fire damage, immunity to stuns, finishers, knockback and being grabbed -1
hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using
archived audio of Patrick Seitz's voice for Jiren from various Dragon
Ball games -Uses assigned number #100 (will clash with Deathlok, Stan Lee, Naruto and Evil Ash in mannequin).
MOVESET: 1. Sakaarian Slash: Skaar pulls out his large broadsword and
performs a forward slash with it, dealing physical damage to struck
threats. 2. Singeing Outburst: Skaar slams the ground while
channeling the Old Power, generating a burst of lava underneath enemies
that sends them flying as fire damage is dealt. 3. Disorienting Clap:
Taking after his father, Skaar performs a quick thunderclap, dealing
physical damage while stunning enemies briefly. 4. Destructive
Landing: Skaar leaps into the air and stomps the ground hard, dealing
radial damage to surrounding enemies as they're knocked back from the
impact. 5. Determined Finish: Skaar performs a two-hit attack with
his large broadsword, launching struck enemies into the air as physical
damage is dealt. 6. (Boost) Gamma Stamina: Taking after his father,
Skaar pushes his natural physical limits further as his overall speed is
increased while his overall energy cost is reduced temporarily. 7.
(Boost) Invulnerable Stone: Skaar uses the Old Power to subtly turn his
body to stone, further increasing his overall durability as he becomes
completely invulnerable for 60 seconds. 8. (Xtreme) Power of the
Planet: Skaar leaps forward, channeling the Old Power while slamming the
ground and generating an outburst of lava from beneath the earth's
crust, dealing heavy fire damage to surrounding enemies.