// Auto Loop Chat Messages - Release Version 2.0.1 // Written by: Edward_shooter // Download Link: https://gamebanana.com/scripts/9918 // For Manual Version, use Spam Script Maker from doodlesstuff.com // Download Link: http://doodlesstuff.com/?p=spamscriptmaker // Status echo "chat_loop_auto.cfg" echo "Status: Active" echo "Info: press [Keypad Minus] to Start/ Stop Loop" echo " " // Keys bind KP_MINUS "ChatLoop_Toggle" // Start/ Stop Loop // Script alias ChatLoop_Toggle "ChatLoop_Start_WaitTester" alias ChatLoop_Start "ChatLoop_SFX1; alias ChatLoop_Toggle ChatLoop_Pause_Start; alias ChatLoop_Say ChatLoop_Say_On; alias ChatLoop_Loop ChatLoop_LoopA; alias ChatLoop_Redirect ChatLoop_Redirect_Start; ChatLoop_Loop_WaitTester" alias ChatLoop_Stop "ChatLoop_SFX2; alias ChatLoop_Toggle ChatLoop_Start_WaitTester; alias ChatLoop_Loop; alias ChatLoop_Redirect " alias ChatLoop_Loop "" // Using aliases to change the wait durations will summon the Source Spaghetti Monster... alias ChatLoop_LoopA "ChatLoop_Say; wait 198; ChatLoop_Redirect" // Start Duration // 66 ticks x 3 seconds = 198 ticks alias ChatLoop_LoopB "ChatLoop_Say; wait 2178; ChatLoop_Redirect" // Cooldown Duration // 66 ticks x 33 seconds = 2178 ticks alias ChatLoop_LoopC "ChatLoop_Say; wait 1188; ChatLoop_Redirect" // Loop Duration // 66 ticks x 18 seconds = 1188 ticks alias ChatLoop_Redirect "" // Execute additional setup before Loop alias ChatLoop_Redirect_Start "alias ChatLoop_Toggle ChatLoop_Pause_Loop; alias ChatLoop_Loop ChatLoop_LoopC; alias ChatLoop_Redirect ChatLoop_Redirect_Loop; ChatLoop_Loop_WaitTester" alias ChatLoop_Redirect_Stop "alias ChatLoop_Toggle ChatLoop_Cooldown; alias ChatLoop_Say ChatLoop_Say_Off; alias ChatLoop_Loop ChatLoop_LoopB; alias ChatLoop_Redirect ChatLoop_Stop_WaitTester; ChatLoop_Loop_WaitTester" alias ChatLoop_Redirect_Loop "ChatLoop_Loop_WaitTester" alias ChatLoop_Pause "" // Determine whether it is Double-Click or Stop Loop alias ChatLoop_Pause_Start "ChatLoop_SFX2; alias ChatLoop_Toggle ChatLoop_Resume_Start; alias ChatLoop_Redirect ChatLoop_Redirect_Stop" alias ChatLoop_Pause_Loop "ChatLoop_SFX2; alias ChatLoop_Toggle ChatLoop_Resume_Loop; alias ChatLoop_Redirect ChatLoop_Redirect_Stop" alias ChatLoop_Resume "" // Continue Loop and Execute Double-Click alias ChatLoop_Resume_Start "ChatLoop_SFX1; alias ChatLoop_Toggle ChatLoop_Pause_Start; alias ChatLoop_Redirect ChatLoop_Redirect_Start" alias ChatLoop_Resume_Loop "ChatLoop_SFX1; alias ChatLoop_Toggle ChatLoop_Pause_Loop; alias ChatLoop_Redirect ChatLoop_Redirect_Loop; ChatLoop_2kliks" alias ChatLoop_Cooldown "ChatLoop_SFX3; echo >> ChatLoop script in cooldown..." // Prevent reaching "chat limit" alias ChatLoop_2kliks "alias ChatLoop_Say ChatLoop_Say_Text1" // Double-Click = 2 clicks = 2kliksphilip :D alias ChatLoop_Say "" alias ChatLoop_Say_On "alias ChatLoop_Say ChatLoop_Say_Text1; say Script On" // Type out On message; Set message 1 as next alias ChatLoop_Say_Off "alias ChatLoop_Say ; say Script Off" // Type out Off message; Set Null as next alias ChatLoop_Say_Error "alias ChatLoop_Say ; say Hello World!" // Type out Error message; Set Null as next alias ChatLoop_Say_Text1 "alias ChatLoop_Say ChatLoop_Say_Text2; say Get Food, Get LunchBox" // Type out message 1; Set message 2 as next alias ChatLoop_Say_Text2 "alias ChatLoop_Say ChatLoop_Say_Text3; say LmaoBox - Way To The Cops" // Type out message 2; Set message 3 as next alias ChatLoop_Say_Text3 "alias ChatLoop_Say ChatLoop_Say_Text1; say www.sandvich.net - Best TF2 Snacks!" // Type out message 3; Set message 1 as next alias ChatLoop_SFX0 "play ui/system_message_alert.wav" alias ChatLoop_SFX1 "play /ui/buttonclick.wav" alias ChatLoop_SFX2 "play /ui/panel_close.wav" alias ChatLoop_SFX3 "play /ui/training_point_big.wav" // 'wait' Testing // https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Scripting#Wait-testing alias wait "alias ChatLoop_LoopTest1 ChatLoop_LoopTest1_Negative; alias ChatLoop_LoopTest2 ChatLoop_LoopTest2_Negative; alias ChatLoop_LoopTest3 ChatLoop_LoopTest3_Negative" alias ChatLoop_Error "ChatLoop_SFX0; echo >> 'wait' command is Disabled on this server!!!; alias ChatLoop_Toggle ChatLoop_Start_WaitTester; alias ChatLoop_Loop ; alias ChatLoop_Redirect " alias ChatLoop_Start_WaitTester "alias ChatLoop_LoopTest1 ChatLoop_LoopTest1_Positive; wait; ChatLoop_LoopTest1" alias ChatLoop_LoopTest1_Positive "ChatLoop_Start" alias ChatLoop_LoopTest1_Negative "ChatLoop_Error; ChatLoop_Say_Error" alias ChatLoop_Stop_WaitTester "alias ChatLoop_LoopTest2 ChatLoop_LoopTest2_Positive; wait; ChatLoop_LoopTest2" alias ChatLoop_LoopTest2_Positive "ChatLoop_Stop" alias ChatLoop_LoopTest2_Negative "ChatLoop_Error; ChatLoop_Say_Off" alias ChatLoop_Loop_WaitTester "alias ChatLoop_LoopTest3 ChatLoop_LoopTest3_Positive; wait; ChatLoop_LoopTest3" alias ChatLoop_LoopTest3_Positive "ChatLoop_Loop" alias ChatLoop_LoopTest3_Negative "ChatLoop_Error; ChatLoop_Say_Error"