clear sv_cheats 1 sv_portal_placement_never_fail 1 clear Echo "Superhuman: enabled" //Binds bind "n" "notarget" //Turrets don't shoot you bind "v" "noclip" //Player becomes non-solid and flies bind "b" "god" //Player is invincible bind "c" "ent_create_portal_companion_cube" //Creates companion cube bind "kp_end" "ent_create_paint_bomb_jump" //Creates "blue" Repulsion Gel bind "kp_downarrow" "ent_create_paint_bomb_speed" //Creates "orange" Propulsion Gel bind "kp_pgdn" "ent_create_paint_bomb_portal" //Creates "white" Conversion Gel bind "kp_home" "fire_rocket_projectile" //Fire a rocket bind "kp_leftarrow" "give_portalgun" //Gives you portalgun bind "kp_rightarrow" "upgrade_potatogun" //Gives you GLaDOS "potato" portalgun bind "r" "ent_fire prop_portal fizzle" //Removes all portals //Key Help //kp_end = numpad 1 //kp_downarrow = numpad 2 //kp_pgdn = numpad 3 //kp_home = numpad 7 //kp_leftarrow = numpad 4 //kp_rightarrow = numpad 6 Echo "|`````````````````````````|" Echo "| Script by That_0ne_guy |" Echo "|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|" Echo "|Message me on GameBanana |" Echo "|if you have any questions|" Echo "```````````````````````````"