rate 100000 - Since the new update the rate cap is at 100000 cl_cmdrate "105" cl_updaterate "102" ex_interp "0.01" - This will "predict" future movements cl_idealpitchscale "0.1" cl_fixtimerate "3.3" cl_dlmax "9999" viewsize "120" hpk_maxsize "0.0001" fps_max "120" (Only fps_max 120 if you have 120hz screen, if not you have to go for fps_max 100) gl_vsync "0" sv_maxupdaterate "101" sys_ticrate "10000" Only use the rates above if you have Steam and the game is updated # BOB Settings # cl_bob "0" - This will stop your weapon movement, reducing a bit the recoil cl_bobcycle "0" - This will help the command above cl_bobup "0" - This will help too # Spread command # cl_lw 0 - This command will reduce the spread, centering the bullets in a point cl_lc 0 - This will help the command above