/* # Dark Theme (CSUI) [DESCRIPTION] A UI theme (custom CSS) for GameBanana website. The UI theme is focused on changing the site-wide UI into a darker one (black), as well as tweaking almost all of the aspects of the site. ----------------------------- [DETAILS] Browsers tested: * Google Chrome (version 79.0.3945.88 (Official Build) (64-bit)) * Mozilla Firefox (version 68.0 (64-bit)) * Opera (version 62.0.3331.72) Date released: 2019-07-17 Last updated: 2019-12-27 Current version: 1.5.0 On my portfolio: http://danialzahid.ga/dark-theme-csui- On GitHub: https://github.com/DanialZahid/Dark-Theme-CSUI- On GameBanana: https://gamebanana.com/scripts/10441 ----------------------------- [AUTHORS] * Danial Zahid [Code] (danialz@pm.me) Special thanks to: * tom [QuickDL material icon class addition] * Ring-A-Ding Rampage [Helped with a few issues] * Willian Justen de Vasconcellos [Background image] ----------------------------- [CHANGELOG] ## Version 1.5.0 [2019-12-27] * Updated the code to match with the Dark Theme (CSUI) [Frost] theme's code. ## Version 1.4.0 [2019-11-21] * [Changed] Transition duration for most of the elements has been lowered (to 0.15s). * [Removed] Low opacity from table cells. * [Revamped] SubNavigator and form tabs. * [Revamped] Floating header. * [Tweaked] Features module on the home page. * [Tweaked] Features module on the game section. * [Tweaked] Advanced elements tab on the home page (Trending, Classics, and New games toggle module tabs). * [Tweaked] Manage pane. * [Tweaked] Table header and cell border. * [Tweaked] Style of certain triggered elements to match with the rest of the theme. * [Miscellaneous] Removed the redundant code. * [Miscellaneous] Several other minor changes and bug fixes. ## Version 1.3.0 [2019-11-12] * [Fixed] Opacity flickering issue on records table. * [Removed] Low opacity from the records. * [Revamped] Buttons UI. * [Tweaked] Member profile > Updates section records. * [Tweaked] Member profile > Game Keys section records. * [Tweaked] Submission profile > History section. * [Tweaked] Records table header and cells border. * [Tweaked] Center aligned most of the buttons to match with the rest of the theme. * [Miscellaneous] Several other minor changes and bug fixes. ## Version 1.2.0 [2019-11-04] * [Fixed] Next and previous button icons in the lightbox. * [Fixed] Attributes module links color to match with the default UI link color. * [Fixed] Uneven margin on the presets in the filters area. * [Fixed] Scripts section code viewer UI. * [Added] Blue color UI to the stamps form. * [Changed] Main background color with an image. * [Changed] Add, edit, and reply forms UI color from blue to green. Also, reduced their color alpha a bit. * [Changed] Avatar border style (for members with clearance level) to solid. * [Changed] Top and side navigator background color as well as their panes color to be more dark. * [Changed] Lightbox icon colors from teal to indigo. * [Changed] Several module buttons position aligned to center to match with the rest of the UI style. * [Changed] Add and edit forms as well as their tabs aligned to center. * [Revamped] Modules UI. * [Revamped] Subtitle. * [Revamped] Record UI in various sections/areas. * [Tweaked] Member profile > Stamps Log and Posts sections. * [Tweaked] Updates module records UI. * [Tweaked] Posts (comments) list. * [Miscellaneous] A couple of other tweaks and bug fixes. ## Version 1.1.0 [2019-07-24] * [Fixed] SubjectShaper style is no longer overridden by the theme. * [Fixed] Posts are now left-aligned in the Questions section. * [Tweaked] Blockquote styling. * [Tweaked] Messages styling in the Alerts and the Activity panes. * [Miscellaneous] A few other minor changes. ## Version 1.0.0 [2019-07-17] * Initial release. [LICENSE] You are allowed to install this UI theme. You are not allowed to: 1. Redistribute this UI theme on the Internet. 2. Use this UI theme in your own work (either, published or not). 3. Modify and publish the modified version of this UI theme on the Internet. 4. Take or use any components (either, modified or not) of this UI theme and use in your own work (either, published or not). 5. Take or use any components (either, modified or not) of this UI theme and publish on the Internet. 6. Use this UI theme or its components for commercial purposes. ----------------------------- */ @import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Arimo|Aldrich|Fira+Mono|Doppio+One&display=swap"); * { border-radius: 0 !important; filter: none !important; } html { background: #212121; } ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 12px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: var(--CSUIDBGColor); } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: var(--CSUIPurpleColor); } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); } ::selection { background-color: var(--CSUIPurpleColor); color: #fff; } #BodyWrapper { background: var(--CSUIBodyBG) #212121; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; } body { font-size: var(--CSUIFontSize); font-family: var(--CSUITextFF) !important; color: var(--CSUITextColor); background: var(--CSUIBodyColor); text-shadow: var(--CSUIBodyTS); } a:hover, .Linklike:hover, #SectionAddFormSelectorModule .Content #SelectSectionStep .Column li a:hover div strong, #SectionAddFormSelectorModule .Content #SelectSectionStep .Column li a:hover div small, .MainForm fieldset#Category .UberSelect .OptionsWrapper .Options li:hover, .MainForm fieldset#Attributes .AvailableAttributes h5:hover, .RichText .TableOfContents ul li:hover, .AdvancedListSettingsModule > .Content .OrderAndSortControls fieldset legend:hover, #SectionMatchesModule ul li.Selected a, #SectionMatchesModule ul li:hover a, #SectionMatchesModule ul li.Selected a span, #GameMatchesModule ul li.Selected a span, #AttributesModule a:hover { color: var(--CSUILinkHoverColor) !important; } a, .Linklike, .RichText .TableOfContents ul li { color: var(--CSUILinkColor); text-shadow: var(--CSUILinkShadow); } #AttributesModule a { color: var(--CSUILinkColor) !important; text-shadow: var(--CSUILinkShadow) !important; } #ContentGrid.HiddenColumnMode.xs row > column.xs-h { background: #212121; border-left: var(--CSUIDBorder); } .PageModule > .Content { padding: 10px; } #ContentGrid > row > column:not(:first-child) { background: initial; border: initial; } #MasterLog log { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid var(--CSUIGreenColor); font-size: var(--CSUIFontSize); background: var(--CSUIDBGColor); padding: 5px; } #MasterLog log span { border: none; } #Loader span, #Loader span:after { border-radius: 50% !important; width: 22px; height: 22px; } #Loader.Complete span { border-color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } #Loader span { border: 3px dashed var(--CSUIRedColor); } #Loader.Complete num { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } #Loader num { color: var(--CSUIRedColor); font-size: 10px; text-align: center; margin-top: 1px; } @media only screen and (min-width: 400px) { #PostsListModule_0 > .Content > .Posts > .Post > .PostReplies > .PostsListModule { border-left: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } .PostsListModule .Posts > li .PostReplies.Focussed > .PostsListModule { border-left: 1px solid var(--CSUIWhiteColor); } } .PageModule > h3, moduleGroup > h3 { text-align: center; padding: 5px; background: var(--CSUICardHeaderBG); margin: 0 0 10px 0; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, fieldset legend { font-family: var(--CSUIHFF) !important; color: var(--CSUIHColor); } h5, h6, #TopNav module pane h5, #SideNav module pane h5 { font-size: var(--CSUIH56FontSize); } h3, #SubmissionsListModuleGroup h3 { font-size: var(--CSUIH3FontSize) !important; text-align: center; } h4 { font-size: var(--CSUIH4FontSize) !important; } #HeadlineWrapper { background: transparent; } #AlertsNavModule pane .Broadcasts > li, #ActivityNavModule pane .Broadcasts > li { padding: var(--CSUIPanesCardPadding); margin: var(--CSUIPanesCardMargin); opacity: 0.8; border: var(--CSUIPanesCardBorder) !important; background: var(--CSUIPanesCardBGColor); } #SearchNavModule pane #SearchOptionsForm { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); border: 2px solid rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.2) !important; box-shadow: inset 3px 3px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; border-radius: 0 !important; background: var(--CSUITextAreaBGColor) !important; } #BuddiesNavModule pane article .ChannelContents > .Messages > .SelfMessage .RichText, #BuddiesNavModule pane article .ChannelContents > .Messages > .Message .RichText { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; background: var(--CSUISLBGColor) !important; border-radius: 0 !important; border: 0.02px solid rgba(79, 195, 247, 0.5) !important; } #BananaNavModule pane article ul li a { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); border-radius: 0; padding: 5px; background: var(--CSUISLBGColor); border: 1px solid rgba(79, 195, 247, 0.5); font-family: var(--CSUIHFF) !important; } #TopNav, #SideNav, #PageFooter { background: var(--CSUITopSideFooterColor); } #TopNav module.Selected icon, #TopNav module.Selected widget, #SideNav module.Selected icon, #SideNav module.Selected widget { background: var(--CSUIPanesBGColor); } #PersonalNavModule pane .Column1 .Identity, #PersonalNavModule pane column:nth-child(1) .Identity { background: rgba(158, 158, 158, 0.1); border: 1px solid rgba(158, 158, 158, 0.2); } #AlertsNavModule pane .Broadcasts .Unseen, #ActivityNavModule pane .Broadcasts .Unseen, #UnseenBroadcastsModule { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); background: var(--CSUINotCardBGColor); border: var(--CSUINotCardBorder) !important; } #SideNav > wrapper module.HasUpdates icon, #TopNav #StatsNavModule.PointsGained widget, #TopNav #StatsNavModule.PointsGained icon, #SideNav #StatsNavModule.PointsGained widget, #SideNav #StatsNavModule.PointsGained icon { background: var(--CSUIGreenColor); border-color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } #TopNav #StatsNavModule.PointsLost widget, #TopNav #StatsNavModule.PointsLost icon, #SideNav #StatsNavModule.PointsLost widget, #SideNav #StatsNavModule.PointsLost icon { background: var(--CSUIRedColor); border-color: var(--CSUIRedColor); } #AlertsNavModule pane .Controls .MarkAllAsSeen:hover span, #ActivityNavModule pane .Controls .MarkAllAsSeen:hover span, #AlertsNavModule pane .Broadcasts .Unseen .BroadcastStatusWrapper:hover span, #ActivityNavModule pane .Broadcasts .Unseen .BroadcastStatusWrapper:hover span { background: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } #AlertsNavModule pane .Controls .MarkAllAsSeen span, #ActivityNavModule pane .Controls .MarkAllAsSeen span, #AlertsNavModule pane .Broadcasts .Unseen .BroadcastStatusWrapper span, #ActivityNavModule pane .Broadcasts .Unseen .BroadcastStatusWrapper span { background: rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.4); border: 2px solid var(--CSUIGreenColor); } #TopNav #StatsNavModule pane column:first-child stat rank, #TopNav #StatsNavModule pane column:first-child stat itemCount, #SideNav #StatsNavModule pane column:first-child stat rank, #SideNav #StatsNavModule pane column:first-child stat itemCount { font-size: var(--CSUIH4FontSize); } #AlertsNavModule pane .Controls .PageNumber, #ActivityNavModule pane .Controls .PageNumber { padding: 5px; color: var(--CSUIGreyColor); font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); } #AlertsNavModule pane .Broadcasts > li .Messages li, #ActivityNavModule pane .Broadcasts > li .Messages li { padding: 5px; border-top: 1px solid rgba(158, 158, 158, 0.3); font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); } #SearchNavModule #SearchForm input[type=text] { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); font-size: var(--CSUIFontSize); font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF) !important; } #MessagesNavModule pane #BuddyChatPromoColumn { background: var(--CSUIDBGColor); border-radius: 0; font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); } #ManageNavModule pane .PaneTabs .Selected, #ManageNavModule pane .Panes .Pane.Selected { background: #9e9e9e4d !important; } #ManageNavModule pane .Panes { background: 0; padding: 0; } #ManageNavModule ul.PaneTabs { padding: 0; } #MessagesNavModule pane #LatestPmsColumn li { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(158, 158, 158, 0.3); } #BuddiesNavModule pane article .ChannelContents > .Messages > .Message small { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor); font-size: 10px; } #BuddiesNavModule pane article #BuddyChatInitiators li.Unseen:after { background: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } #TopNav module.HasUpdates widget { background: var(--CSUIGreenColor); border: 1px solid var(--CSUIGreenColor); } #TopNav module pane, #SideNav module pane { background: var(--CSUIPanesBGColor); border: var(--CSUIPanesBorder); } #SideNav > wrapper module pane header:after { bottom: 0px; background: none; border-bottom: 3px solid #000000; } #NavOptionsNavModule pane textarea { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF); color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } #BuddiesNavModule pane header { background: initial; border: initial; } #BuddiesNavModule pane article .ChannelContents > .Messages { background: var(--CSUIDBGColor); } #BuddiesNavModule pane button:hover { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; opacity: 1 !important; } #SearchNavModule pane #SearchOptionsForm form_extension label span { font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF); } #SearchNavModule #SearchForm button { transition: opacity 0.15s ease-in-out !important; margin-left: 10px; } #BananaNavModule pane article ul li a:hover { background: var(--CSUISLBGColor); } body[data-_sSideNavMode=Collapsed] #SideNav.Expanded { width: 500px; } #SubNavigator, .AdvancedElement_Tabs { background: var(--CSUIBlurBG); border: var(--CSUICardBorder) !important; text-align: center; font-family: var(--CSUIHFF) !important; justify-content: center; margin: 10px auto; width: fit-content; } #SubNavigator .BasicSubNavigator, #SubNavigator .DropdownMenuSubNavigator, #Breadcrumb { font-family: var(--CSUIHFF) !important; margin-right: 0; } #SubNavigator .ActiveEntry, .MainForm .InputsWrapper .CategoryTabs li.Selected, .AdvancedElement_Tabs li.Selected { border: 0 !important; background: var(--CSUIButtonSelectedBGColor) !important; } #SubNavigator .DropdownMenuSubNavigator > li:hover, .AdvancedElement_Tabs li:hover, .AdvancedElement_Tabs li.Selected, .MainForm .InputsWrapper .CategoryTabs li:hover, #SubNavigator .BasicSubNavigator li:hover, .AdvancedElement_Tabs.Minimal li:hover { background: #9e9e9e4d; border: 0; } .AdvancedElement_Tabs li:hover, .AdvancedElement_Tabs li.Selected, #SubNavigator .ActiveEntry { margin-bottom: 0; } .MainForm .InputsWrapper .CategoryTabs li:hover, .MainForm .InputsWrapper .CategoryTabs li.Selected { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); } #SubNavigator .DropdownMenuSubNavigator > li ul > li:last-child, .AdvancedElement_Tabs.Minimal { border: 0 !important; width: auto; } #SubNavigator .ActiveEntry a, .AdvancedElement_Tabs li > span { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; } #SubNavigator .DropdownMenuSubNavigator > li ul { border: 1px solid #000; border-top: 0; } #SubNavigator .DropdownMenuSubNavigator > li ul > li { background: var(--CSUIDBGColor); border: 0; } body[data-_sHeaderStyle=Floating] #MainContentHeader.Fixed #SubNavigator { font-size: smaller; background: var(--CSUIDBGColor); } body[data-_sHeaderStyle=Floating] #MainContentHeader.Fixed { background: none; margin: -10px auto; } #SubNavigator .DropdownMenuSubNavigator > li ul > li:hover { background: #9e9e9e; border: 0; } #SubNavigator li itemCount { font-size: var(--CSUIFontSize); color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } .AdvancedElement_Tabs li { transition: none; } .PageModule { background: var(--CSUICardBG); border: var(--CSUICardBorder) !important; margin: 10px; padding: 0; } #ResponsibilitiesModule li { -moz-box-shadow: none !important; -webkit-box-shadow: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; border: 1px solid var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; background: rgba(232, 78, 64, 0.1) !important; } #LicenseModule article { border: 2px solid rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.2) !important; box-shadow: inset 3px 3px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; background: var(--CSUITextAreaBGColor) !important; } #SubmissionsListModule .SubmissionCounts ul li { font-size: smaller; } #SubmissionsListModule .SubmissionCounts ul li span { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } .PageModule > .Description { padding: 5px 30px 5px 5px; margin: 5px auto; color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); font-size: medium; background: linear-gradient(45deg, #9e9e9e4d, transparent); } #WithholdNoticeModule { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; padding-bottom: 20px; background: rgba(232, 78, 64, 0.15); border: 1px solid rgba(232, 78, 64, 0.3); } .PageModule > h3:after, moduleGroup > h3:after { display: none; } moduleGroup { margin: 10px; padding: initial; border: none; } moduleGroup > .PageModule { text-align: center; margin: 0 0 10px 0; } #PurchasesListModule { margin: 10px !important; text-align: center !important; max-width: 100% !important; } #UpdatesModule, #ProgressReportModule, #BountySummaryModule, #BoostBountyFormModule, #AwardBountyFormModule, #PrizesModule, #UnwithholdFormModule { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; background: rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.15); } #UnwithholdInstructionsModule, #PrivateAccessNoticeModule, #FlagNoticeModule, #ModeratorNoticeModule, #IssuesModule, #RequirementsModule, #RulesModule { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; background: rgba(232, 78, 64, 0.15) !important; } #WithholdFormModule, #TrashFormModule, #FlagsModule, #ManagersListModule, #TrashNoticeModule, #PermitsModule, #AddModnoteFormModule { background: rgba(232, 78, 64, 0.07) !important; } #LicenseModule, #WhenModule { background: rgba(255, 112, 67, 0.15) !important; color: var(--CSUIOrangeColor) !important; } #FilesModule, #AlternateFileSourcesModule { background: rgba(121, 134, 203, 0.15) !important; text-align: center !important; } #CategoryModule, #CategoryModule .Content a { text-align: center !important; justify-content: center !important; } #FeaturingsModule, #FeaturedListModule, #ContestModule { background: rgba(255, 235, 59, 0.15) !important; } #ModeratorNoticeModule article, #PrivateAccessNoticeModule p { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; } #ParticipantsListModule, #VotersListModule, #WhereModule { background: rgba(79, 195, 247, 0.15) !important; } #ParticipantsListModule h3, #VotersListModule h3, #WhereModule h3 { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; background: rgba(79, 195, 247, 0.3); } #WithholdLogModule { background: rgba(255, 112, 67, 0.15) !important; } .PageModule > .LogMessages { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor) !important; } #ResponsibilitiesModule { background: rgba(232, 78, 64, 0.15) !important; text-align: center !important; } #IdentityModule .KeyInfo small { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor); margin: auto; display: block; font-size: smaller !important; } #CoreStatsModule { padding: 10px 0; } #CoreStatsModule .Content { padding: 0 !important; } #CoreStatsModule ul { margin: auto; text-align: center; padding: 0 !important; } #CoreStatsModule ul li { margin: auto 5px; padding: 10px !important; background: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.7) !important; } #CoreStatsModule ul small { font-size: smaller !important; color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; } #LicenseModule article footer { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000000, 1px 1px 1px #000000, 1px 1px 1px #000000; } #LicenseModule .Content { font-family: var(--CSUIFF) !important; color: var(--CSUITextColor) !important; padding: 10px !important; font-size: small !important; } #UpdatesModule record { padding: 10px !important; margin: 5px !important; background: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.8); border: var(--CSUIDBorder); } #FlagsModule recordCell.Preview { text-align: left; } #UpdatesModule .Details > ul > li code { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; } #WithholdNoticeModule h3, #UnwithholdInstructionsModule h3, #PrivateAccessNoticeModule h3, #ModeratorNoticeModule h3, #TrashNoticeModule h3, #FlagNoticeModule h3, #RequirementsModule h3, #RulesModule h3, #ResponsibilitiesModule h3, #ManagersListModule h3, #TrashNoticeModule h3, #FlagsModule h3 { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; background: rgba(232, 78, 64, 0.3); } #FilesModule h3, #AlternateFileSourcesModule h3 { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; background: rgba(121, 134, 203, 0.3); } #LicenseModule h3, #WhenModule h3, #WithholdLogModule h3 { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; background: rgba(255, 112, 67, 0.3); } #UpdatesModule h3, #ProgressReportModule h3, #AvailableKeysListModule h3, #BountySummaryModule h3, #BoostBountyFormModule h3, #AwardBountyFormModule h3, #PrizesModule h3, #UnseenBroadcastsModule h3, #UnwithholdFormModule h3 { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; background: rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.3); } #EditFormModule, #AddFormModule, #ReplyFormModule { background: rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.07); border: 1px solid rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.3) !important; } #GlobalSubmissionAnnouncementModule h3 { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; background: rgba(128, 203, 196, 0.3); } #TodosModule h3 { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; background: rgba(186, 104, 200, 0.3); } #ContestModule h3 { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; } #WhereModule h3 { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor); } #FilesModule .Content ul li { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(158, 158, 158, 0.3); } #GlobalSubmissionAnnouncementModule { background: rgba(128, 203, 196, 0.15) !important; } #StampsFormModule { border: 1px solid rgba(79, 195, 247, 0.3) !important; background: rgba(79, 195, 247, 0.07) !important; } #TodosModule { background: rgba(186, 104, 200, 0.15) !important; } #PointsModule span#PointsLeader { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); } #PointsModule span.ClimbedRank { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } #PointsModule span.DroppedRank { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } #StatsModule ul li { margin: 3px !important; padding: 5px !important; background: #212121 !important; border: 1px solid #111 !important; } #StatsModule ul { margin-bottom: auto !important; } button, .ButtonLike { font-size: var(--CSUIButtonFontSize); font-family: var(--CSUIButtonFF); padding: var(--CSUIButtonPadding) !important; background: var(--CSUIButtonBGColor) !important; border: var(--CSUIDBorder) !important; color: var(--CSUIButtonTextColor); font-weight: bold !important; text-shadow: 2px 2px #000; } #FilesModule .Content ul li .DownloadOptions a span small { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); display: block; text-transform: uppercase; } button:hover, .ButtonLike:hover, #GameMatchesModule ul li:hover a, #GameMatchesModule ul li:hover a, #SectionMatchesModule ul li:hover a, #Recipients .RecipientGroup > div ul li:hover { background: var(--CSUIButtonBGHoverColor) !important; color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; } .ButtonLike.Selected, button.Expanded, button[disabled]:hover, button[disabled].Selected, button[disabled].Expanded, .ButtonLike[disabled]:hover, .ButtonLike[disabled].Selected, .ButtonLike[disabled].Expanded, button[disabled], .ButtonLike[disabled], #SectionMatchesModule ul li.Selected a, #GameMatchesModule ul li.Selected a, #Recipients .RecipientGroup > div ul li.SelectedRecipient, .ButtonLike.Expanded { background: var(--CSUIButtonSelectedBGColor) !important; color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; border: var(--CSUIDBorder) !important; } button.IconButton span, button.IconButton hoverAlt, .ButtonLike.IconButton span, .ButtonLike.IconButton hoverAlt { padding: 1px !important; border: 0 !important; } #HistoryListModule .Content .Changes li .NewVersion > button, #HistoryListModule .Content .Changes li .PreviousVersion > button { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); margin: 0 3px 0 0; } .IconOnlyButton { margin: auto 5px; } .PostsListModule .Posts > li .PostTools .TopAnswerToggleButton { font-size: var(--CSUIButtonFontSize); margin: auto 5px; } .AdvancedElement_Switch li { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF); margin-right: 3px; } #AlternateFileSourcesModule li small { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; } a.ButtonLike:hover { text-shadow: none !important; } #FilesModule .Content ul li .DownloadOptions a, #AlternateFileSourcesModule li { padding: 10px !important; background: rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.4) !important; font-weight: bold !important; font-family: var(--CSUIButtonFF) !important; font-size: var(--CSUIButtonFontSize); border: var(--CSUIDBorder); } #PageFooter #ImportantLinks li a { padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-family: var(--CSUIButtonFF) !important; border: var(--CSUIDBorder); } #FilesModule .Content ul li .DownloadOptions a:hover { background: rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.8) !important; color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; text-shadow: none !important; } #BuddyToggleModule button, #SubmitterSubscriptionToggleModule button, #GameSubscriptionToggleModule button, #SubmissionSubscriptionToggleModule button, button#WaveformToggle, #MemberSubscriptionToggleModule button, #SubscriptionToggleModule button { background: rgba(79, 195, 247, 0.4) !important; } #BuddyToggleModule button:hover, #SubmitterSubscriptionToggleModule button:hover, #GameSubscriptionToggleModule button:hover, #SubmissionSubscriptionToggleModule button:hover, button#WaveformToggle:hover, #MemberSubscriptionToggleModule button:hover, #SubscriptionToggleModule button:hover { background: rgba(79, 195, 247, 0.8) !important; } #PageFooter #ImportantLinks li #AddBugLink:hover, #AddModnoteFormRequesterModule button:hover, #IssueAddFormRequesterModule button:hover, button#sbmtgmtrshr:hover { background: rgba(232, 78, 64, 0.8) !important; } #UiThemeInstallerModule button, #AvailableKeysListListToolbarModule button, #InstallFormModule button { background: rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.4) !important; } #UiThemeInstallerModule button:hover, #AvailableKeysListListToolbarModule button:hover, #InstallFormModule button:hover, .ExtendedContentButton:hover, button.Selected { background: rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.8) !important; } #ModlogListAdvancedListSettingsModule button, #SubmissionsListAdvancedListSettingsModule button, #MembersListAdvancedListSettingsModule button, #WithheldSubmissionsListAdvancedListSettingsModule button { background: rgba(128, 203, 196, 0.4) !important; } #ModlogListAdvancedListSettingsModule button:hover, #SubmissionsListAdvancedListSettingsModule button:hover, #MembersListAdvancedListSettingsModule button:hover, #WithheldSubmissionsListAdvancedListSettingsModule button:hover { background: rgba(128, 203, 196, 0.8) !important; } #LikeToggleModule button, #ThanksToggleModule button { background: rgba(186, 104, 200, 0.4) !important; } #LikeToggleModule button:hover, #ThanksToggleModule button:hover { background: rgba(186, 104, 200, 0.8) !important; } #AddModnoteFormRequesterModule button, #IssueAddFormRequesterModule button, button#sbmtgmtrshr { background: rgba(232, 78, 64, 0.4) !important; } #PmMeModule button { background: rgba(255, 235, 59, 0.4) !important; } #PmMeModule button:hover { background: rgba(255, 235, 59, 0.8) !important; } .ExtendedContentButton { color: var(--CSUIButtonTextColor); background: rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.4) !important; } #PageFooter #ImportantLinks li #AddIdeaLink { background: rgba(255, 235, 59, 0.4) !important; color: var(--CSUIYellowColor) !important; } #PageFooter #ImportantLinks li #AddIdeaLink:hover { background: rgba(255, 235, 59, 0.8) !important; } #PageFooter #ImportantLinks li #AddBugLink { background: rgba(232, 78, 64, 0.4) !important; color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } #PageFooter #ImportantLinks li #AddTicketLink { background: rgba(79, 195, 247, 0.4) !important; color: var(--CSUIBlueColor) !important; } #PageFooter #ImportantLinks li #AddTicketLink:hover { background: rgba(79, 195, 247, 0.8) !important; } #PageFooter #ImportantLinks li a:hover { background: var(--CSUIButtonBGHoverColor); text-shadow: none !important; } #PageFooter #ImportantLinks li a:hover span { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; } [data-_sViewMode=Classic] columnHeadings columnHeading { background: var(--CSUITableTHBGColor); text-align: center; color: var(--CSUITableHeadingColor); border-top: var(--CSUIDBorder); border-bottom: var(--CSUIDBorder); font-size: var(--CSUITableHeadingFontSize); font-family: var(--CSUIHFF); padding: 5px; } .Paginator, .AjaxPaginator { padding: 5px; background: var(--CSUIRecordsBGColor); border: var(--CSUIRecordTableViewBorder); margin: 5px 0px 5px 0px; text-align: center; } table thead th { font-weight: bold; text-align: center; color: var(--CSUITableHeadingColor); border-top: var(--CSUITableHeadingBorder); border-bottom: var(--CSUITableHeadingBorder); font-size: var(--CSUITableHeadingFontSize); background: var(--CSUITableTHBGColor); } table { border-spacing: 0; width: 100%; } td { border-bottom: var(--CSUIRecordTableViewBorder); background: var(--CSUIRecordsBGColor); } table thead th:empty { border-top: var(--CSUITableHeadingBorder); border-bottom: var(--CSUITableHeadingBorder); } [data-_sViewMode=Classic] record recordCell { padding: var(--CSUIRecordCellPadding); border-bottom: var(--CSUIRecordTableViewBorder); } [data-_sViewMode=Classic] records { width: 100%; text-align: center; border-spacing: 0px; } recordcell.PostId, recordcell.PostDate, recordcell.Suspicions.RedColor, recordcell.Poster { margin: auto 5px; } StampsLogListModule .Direction, #StampsLogListModule .PostInfo { margin: 5px; } #CategoriesListModule record, #SectionsModule record { padding: 10px; margin: 0 0 5px 0; } [data-_sViewMode=Grid] record .Category, [data-_sViewMode=Grid] record .Ownership { transition: opacity 0.15s ease-in-out; } #LikesModule record, #ThankersLogModule record { padding: 5px; margin: 5px; text-align: center; } record { background: var(--CSUIRecordsBGColor); border: var(--CSUIDBorder); padding: var(--CSUIRecordCellPadding); margin: 10px 5px; } recordcell.Identifiers { text-align: left; } recordCell.Stats { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; text-align: center !important; margin: 5px 0; } recordCell.Stats statGroup { margin: 5px 0; } recordcell.Stamps { margin: 5px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #000; background: rgba(158, 158, 158, 0.2); } #StampsLogListModule .Direction .Avatar.HasClearanceLevel { border: 1px solid var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } #MembersListModule recordCell.Member { width: initial !important; justify-content: center !important; } [data-_sViewMode=List] recordCell { margin: 0 0 5px 0; } [data-_sViewMode=Grid] records { margin: 0; justify-content: space-around; } [data-_sViewMode=Grid] record { padding: 0 0 5px 0; } recordcell.Parent { text-align: center; margin: 5px; } [data-_sViewMode=Grid] recordCell.Ownership { top: 5px; left: 5px; } [data-_sViewMode=Grid] recordCell.Category { top: 5px; right: 5px; } [data-_sViewMode=List] record { border: 1px solid #000000; margin: 5px; padding: 5px; } [data-_sViewMode=List] record:last-child { border-bottom: 1px solid #000; } .SubmissionsListModule recordcell.Preview { max-width: initial; } #PostsListModule recordCell.Section { padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #000; background: rgba(158, 158, 158, 0.2); } #PostsListModule recordcell { font-size: 16px !important; margin: 5px; } recordcell.Preview { margin: auto; } .PostsListModule .Posts > li { margin: 10px auto !important; padding: var(--CSUIPostsPadding) !important; background: var(--CSUIPostsBGColor) !important; border: var(--CSUIPostsBorder) !important; } .RichText blockquote { opacity: 0.7; font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; padding: 5px !important; border-left: 2px solid var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; background: rgba(158, 158, 158, 0.07) !important; } .PostsListModule .Posts > li article .PostStamps li[data-_sCategory=positive], #StampsLogListModule .Stamps li[data-_sCategory=positive] { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; border-color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } .PostsListModule .Posts > li article .PostStamps li, #StampsLogListModule .Stamps li { border-left: 5px solid !important; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; padding: 5px !important; } #DiscussionsListModule .Content .List li { background: var(--CSUIPostsBGColor) !important; border: var(--CSUIPostsBorder) !important; } .PostsListModule .Posts > li .PostHeader .PostLabels stateLabel.IsExemplary { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; border: 2px solid var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } .PostsListModule .Posts > li.IsExemplary { background: rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.1) !important; border: 2px solid var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; margin: 0px; } .PostsListModule .Posts > li article .PostStamps li[data-_sCategory=negative] { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; border-color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } .PostsListModule .Posts > li article .PostStamps li[data-_sCategory=neutral] { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor) !important; border-color: var(--CSUIGreyColor) !important; } .PostsListModule .Posts > li .PostTools .PostUrlForm > * { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; } .PostsListModule .Posts > li .PostTools { transition: opacity .15s ease-in-out !important; } ul.FullStampsDisplay { text-align: center; padding: 5px; } #DiscussionsListModule .Content .List li .Row1 { border-left: initial !important; } .PostHeader { margin: 5px 0px 0px 5px; } .PostsListModule .Posts > li .PostReplies.Focussed > .PostsListModule { border-left: 1px solid var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; } .PostsListModule .Posts > li .PostHeader .Poster small { font-size: 11px; } .PostText { width: 100%; } .PostText > .RichText { background: var(--CSUITextAreaBGColor) !important; border: var(--CSUIDBorder) !important; font-size: small; } stateLabel { padding: 5px !important; background: #111 !important; border: 1px solid #616161 !important; font-family: "Doppio One" !important; font-size: smaller !important; color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); } stateLabel.IsRipeRelated, stateLabel.GameKeyGrade_premium, stateLabel.IsRipeSupporter { background: linear-gradient(to left, #e84e40, #FFEB3B, #9CCC65, #4FC3F7, #BA68C8) !important; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000000, 1px 1px 1px #000000; color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; font-weight: bold !important; border: 2px solid var(--CSUITealColor) !important; } stateLabel.IdeaResolution_addressed, stateLabel.RequestResolution_delivered, stateLabel[data-_sThreadState="Done"], stateLabel.ContestState_Running, #BuddiesListModule recordCell.Status stateLabel.Online, .AvatarTooltip .Column .OnlineStatus stateLabel.Online, stateLabel.QuestionState_Solved, .QuestionPreview blockquote.Solved { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } stateLabel.SupportResolution_closed, stateLabel.RequestResolution_cancelled, stateLabel.RequestResolution_expired, stateLabel.RequestResolution_duplicate, stateLabel.IdeaResolution_duplicate, stateLabel.ContestState_Ended, stateLabel[data-_sThreadState="Closed"], #BuddiesListModule recordCell.Status stateLabel.Offline, .AvatarTooltip .Column .OnlineStatus stateLabel.Offline { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor) !important; } .PostsListModule .Posts > li .PostHeader .PostLabels stateLabel.IsSubmitter, stateLabel.QuestionState_Answered, QuestionPreview blockquote.Answered { color: var(--CSUIBlueColor) !important; } stateLabel.BugResolution_new, stateLabel[data-_sThreadState="Unanswered"], stateLabel.RequestResolution_open, stateLabel.IdeaResolution_unknown { color: var(--CSUIBlueColor) !important; } stateLabel.IsRedistributor, stateLabel.IsPending, stateLabel[data-_sTutorialDifficulty="Intermediate"], stateLabel.RequestResolution_in_delivery, stateLabel.BugPriority_high, stateLabel.IsFlagged, stateLabel.IsPending { color: var(--CSUIOrangeColor) !important; } stateLabel.QuestionState_Unanswered, QuestionPreview blockquote.Unanswered { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } stateLabel.SupportResolution_feedback, stateLabel.BugResolution_feedback { color: var(--CSUIPurpleColor) !important; } stateLabel.IdeaResolution_wont_address, stateLabel.IdeaResolution_cannot_address { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } .AvatarTooltip .Column .StatusLevels stateLabel:not(.IsRipeSupporter) { background: #111; } .AvatarTooltip .Column .StatusLevels stateLabel:not(.IsRipeSupporter).HasClearanceLevel { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } .MainForm .InputsWrapper fieldset > legend stateLabel.RequiredInput { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } .MainForm .InputsWrapper fieldset > legend stateLabel.RecommendedInput { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } stateLabel.IsNsfw { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } stateLabel.PermitLevel_junior { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } stateLabel.PermitLevel_senior { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } stateLabel.BugResolution_confirmed { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } stateLabel.IdeaResolution_will_address { color: var(--CSUIBlueColor) !important; } stateLabel.FlagState_0 { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } stateLabel.FlagState_3 { color: var(--CSUIRedColor); } stateLabel.TodoPriority_3 { color: var(--CSUIRedColor); } stateLabel.TodoPriority_1 { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor); } stateLabel.IsCreator { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } stateLabel.IdeaResolution_unknown { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor); } stateLabel[data-_sThreadState="Hot"] { color: var(--CSUIRedColor); } stateLabel[data-_sTutorialDifficulty="Beginner"] { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } stateLabel[data-_sTutorialDifficulty="Advanced"] { color: var(--CSUIRedColor); } stateLabel.RequestResolution_undeliverable { color: var(--CSUIRedColor); } stateLabel[data-_sUpdateType="Addition"], stateLabel[data-_sUpdateType="Suggestion"], stateLabel[data-_sUpdateType="Feature"] { color: var(--CSUIBlueColor); } stateLabel[data-_sUpdateType="Optimization"], stateLabel[data-_sUpdateType="Tweak"], stateLabel[data-_sUpdateType="Improvement"] { color: var(--CSUIPurpleColor); } stateLabel[data-_sUpdateType="Removal"], stateLabel[data-_sUpdateType="Refactor"] { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor); } stateLabel[data-_sUpdateType="Overhaul"], stateLabel[data-_sUpdateType="BugFix"] { color: var(--CSUIRedColor); } stateLabel[data-_sUpdateType="Adjustment"], stateLabel[data-_sUpdateType="Amendment"] { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } stateLabel.BugPriority_low { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } stateLabel.BugPriority_medium { color: var(--CSUIYellowColor) !important; } stateLabel.BugPriority_emergency { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } matIcon { opacity: 1; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000, 1px 1px 1px #000 !important; font-size: 15px !important; color: var(--CSUIPurpleColor); vertical-align: middle !important; } statwrapper.Progress maticon, #SubmissionsListAdvancedListSettingsModule .RecentGames li matIcon:hover, .RecommendedInput matIcon, statwrapper.LastBoostDate maticon, statwrapper.Bounty maticon, statwrapper.Bounty, statwrapper.LastActivityDate maticon, .Modal .CloseModal:hover, #MasterLog log .CloseButton:hover, .PageModule > .RelatedLinksButton:hover, #SectionExplanationsModule #SectionAreas > li .Sections li matIcon:hover { color: var(--CSUImatIconHoverColor) !important; } #SubmissionsListAdvancedListSettingsModule .RecentGames li matIcon, #SubmissionsListAdvancedListSettingsModule .SelectedGames li matIcon, #ThanksToggleModule .Content #ShowThanksOptionsToggle.ModalLauncher { color: var(--CSUImatIconColor) !important; } #SubmissionsListAdvancedListSettingsModule .SelectedGames li:hover matIcon, .RequiredInput matIcon, .RequiredInputsCount maticon { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } #SectionExplanationsModule #SectionAreas > li .Sections li matIcon { color: var(--CSUImatIconColor); transition-duration: var(--CSUIDTransition) !important; } statwrapper.Rank maticon, .RecommendedInputsCount maticon { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } spriteIcon.RightArrowIcon, .SpriteIcon.RightArrowIcon { opacity: 1; } .Modal .CloseModal, #MasterLog log .CloseButton { color: var(--CSUImatIconColor); font-size: x-large !important; } html.Member_Submissions_Todo #SubmissionsListModule .Identifiers > matIcon, #TodosModule .Identifiers > matIcon { color: var(--CSUIPurpleColor) !important; } .Modal .CloseModal { top: 5px; right: 5px; padding: 5px; } maticon.WasFeatured { color: var(--CSUIYellowColor) !important; } maticon.RemoveToggleButton.RedColor { opacity: 0.8; } maticon.RemoveToggleButton.RedColor:hover { opacity: 1; } #ToggleHiddenColumnModeButton.Active matIcon { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); border-left-color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } #ToggleHiddenColumnModeButton.Selected matIcon { color: var(--CSUIRedColor); border-left-color: var(--CSUIRedColor); } #ToggleHiddenColumnModeButton matIcon { background: var(--CSUIDBGColor); } #SearchNavModule #SearchForm button:hover maticon { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } #SearchNavModule #SearchForm button maticon { color: var(--CSUITealColor); } .QuickDlIcon.PurpleColor { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; opacity: 0.8 !important; } .QuickDlIcon.PurpleColor:hover { opacity: 1 !important; } #SubmissionsListModule .OwnSubmission { color: var(--CSUIBlueColor) !important; } .PageModule > .RelatedLinksButton { color: var(--CSUIPurpleColor); top: 0; padding: 10px; font-size: large !important; } #ThanksToggleModule .Content #ShowThanksOptionsToggle.ModalLauncher:hover { color: var(--CSUImatIconHoverColor) !important; opacity: 1 !important; } .PostsListModule .Posts > li .PostLabels > .SolvedIcon_32 { top: 25px !important; right: 15px !important; } .lg-next.lg-icon:hover, .lg-prev.lg-icon:hover { background: var(--CSUIButtonBGHoverColor) !important; } .lg-actions .lg-next, .lg-actions .lg-prev { background: var(--CSUIButtonBGColor) !important; color: var(--CSUIButtonTextColor) !important; } .lg-toolbar { background: var(--CSUISLBGColor) !important; } #lg-counter { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor) !important; font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; } .lg-toolbar .lg-icon:hover { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; } .lg-toolbar .lg-icon { color: var(--CSUIPurpleColor) !important; } .lg-sub-html { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) !important; color: var(--CSUITextColor) !important; } #FeaturesSliderModule .Slides .Slide .Info .Name small { background: var(--CSUIPurpleColor) !important; color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; padding: 5px !important; font-size: var(--CSUIH4FontSize) !important; } #FeaturesSliderModule #SlideShortcuts .Slide.Selected { border-top-color: var(--CSUIPurpleColor) !important; } #HeadlineWrapper overlay h1 { font-size: 40px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000, 1px 1px 1px #000, 1px 1px 1px #000; } #HeadlineWrapper overlay h2 { font-size: 20px !important; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000, 1px 1px 1px #000, 1px 1px 1px #000 !important; } #FeaturesSliderModule .Slides .Slide .Info .Name h4, #FeaturesSliderModule .Slides .Slide .FeatureType { background: var(--CSUIPurpleColor) !important; color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; font-size: 24px !important; padding: 0 10px !important; } #FeaturesSliderModule .Slides .ExpandedSlide .Info .Name h4, #FeaturesSliderModule #ExpandedSlide .Info .Name h4 { background: var(--CSUIPurpleColor) !important; color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; padding: 0 5px !important; font-size: x-large !important; } #FeaturesSliderModule .Slides .ExpandedSlide .Info .Name small, #FeaturesSliderModule #ExpandedSlide .Info .Name small { background: var(--CSUIDBGColor) !important; color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; font-size: large !important; padding: 5px !important; } #FeaturesSliderModule .Slides .ExpandedSlide .FeatureType, #FeaturesSliderModule #ExpandedSlide .FeatureType { background: var(--CSUIDBGColor) !important; color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); padding: 10px !important; } #ItemProfileModule .CodeWithLineNumbers { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; border: 2px solid rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.2) !important; box-shadow: inset 3px 3px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; background: var(--CSUITextAreaBGColor) !important; font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF) !important; } #CodeViewerModule .CodeWithLineNumbers { border: 2px solid rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.2) !important; box-shadow: inset 3px 3px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; background: var(--CSUITextAreaBGColor) !important; font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF) !important; } pre, #HistoryListModule .Content .Changes li .NewVersion .ValueWrapper, #HistoryListModule .Content .Changes li .PreviousVersion .ValueWrapper, #ArchiveTreesModule .Content > ul > li .ArchiveTreeWrapper { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; border: 2px solid rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.2) !important; box-shadow: inset 3px 3px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; background: var(--CSUITextAreaBGColor) !important; font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF) !important; } #CodeViewerModule .CodeWithLineNumbers .Code { border-left: 1px solid var(--CSUIGreyColor) !important; width: 100%; text-align: left; font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; } #ItemProfileModule .CodeWithLineNumbers .Code { border-left: 1px solid rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.2) !important; color: var(--CSUITextColor) !important; } .ScriptPreview .LineNumbers { top: 0; } .ScriptPreview code { background: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.5); font-size: x-small !important; } code { font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF) !important; color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } .LineNumbers { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor) !important; } #HistoryListModule .Content .Changes li .NewVersion .ValueWrapper del, #HistoryListModule .Content .Changes li .PreviousVersion .ValueWrapper del { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } #HistoryListModule .Content .Changes li .NewVersion .ValueWrapper ins, #HistoryListModule .Content .Changes li .PreviousVersion .ValueWrapper ins { color: var(--CSUIBlueColor) !important; } .GreenColor { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } .RedColor { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } .GreyColor { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor) !important; } .BlueColor { color: var(--CSUIBlueColor) !important; } .PurpleColor { color: var(--CSUIPurpleColor) !important; } .OrangeColor { color: var(--CSUIOrangeColor) !important; } .LessThan5minsOld { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } .LessThan4HoursOld { color: var(--CSUIOrangeColor) !important; } .LessThan30minsOld { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } .LessThan1HourOld { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } .OlderThan1Day { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor) !important; } span.RatedLessThan5 { color: var(--CSUIRedColor); } span.Rated5To7 { color: var(--CSUIOrangeColor); } span.Rated7To9 { color: var(--CSUIBlueColor); } span.Rated9To10 { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } #ArchiveTreesModule .Content > ul > li > small span, #ArchiveTreesModule .Content > ul > li > small a, #ModlogListModule .Action blockquote, #ModlogListModule .Affected li, #PmTheModsModule .Content, #StaffProfileModule div.Content dd.Initiatives ul li div em, #StaffProfileModule div.Content dd.Initiatives ul li div a, #EmptyBioNoticeModule span, #ArchiveTreesModule .Content > ul > li > small, .MainForm fieldset#Attributes .SelectedAttributes ul li span, .MainForm fieldset#Attributes .SelectedAttributes ul li button, .MainForm fieldset#Attributes .AvailableAttributes ul .AttributesGroup strong, .MainForm fieldset#ChangeLog ul li > spriteIcon, .MainForm fieldset#ChangeLog ul li button, .MainForm fieldset#ChangeLog ul li input, .MainForm fieldset#ChangeLog ul li select, .PostsListModule .Posts > li .PostHeader .DateAdded, .PostsListModule .Posts > li .PostHeader .DateModified, #NavOptionsNavModule pane .GuestNotice, #NavOptionsNavModule pane wrapper > span, #NavOptionsNavModule pane a, #FilesModule .Content ul li > span small, #FilesModule .Content ul li > .FileInfo small, #GlobalSubmissionAnnouncementModule .Content p small, #AvailableKeysListListToolbarModule button small, #RegistrationFormModule .Description small, li.Stamper { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; } #RanksListModule recordcell span, #SideNav #StatsNavModule pane column:first-child stat statLabel, #Recipients small, #Recipients textarea, #FilesModule .Content ul li > span .Description, #FilesModule .Content ul li > .FileInfo .Description, #MedalsModule .Content ul li div small, .MainForm .InputsWrapper fieldset .InputHelp, #TopGamesModule .Content .GamesList li a span, dt, #SearchNavModule pane #PopularTermSuggestions li small, #SearchNavModule pane #BrowserHistorySuggestions li small, #PortfolioEntriesListModule recordcell.Identifiers small, .MainForm fieldset#Category .Category small, .MainForm fieldset#Type small, .MainForm fieldset#SubmissionAuthors #AuthorGroupsList li .BulkAddAuthorInput small, .PostsListModule .Posts > li article footer { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor) !important; font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; } #ParticipantsListModule .Entries ul, .PostsListModule .Posts > li article .PostStamps, #FilesModule .Content ul li .DownloadOptions, #ThanksToggleModule .Content, #GameModule .Content a, #StatsModule ul, #MoreBySubmitterSubmissionsListModule records, #MoreInCategorySubmissionsListModule records, #SubmitterModule .Content, #WipsBySubmitterSubmissionsListModule records, .AdvancedElement_Switch.Inline ul, .PostsListModule .Posts > li .PostTools, .AdvancedListSettingsModule > .Content .ActiveSortsAndFilters { justify-content: center !important; } #ShareButtonsModule, #OverviewModule table, #FlagsModule li, #GameSubscriptionToggleModule, #LikeToggleModule, #UiThemeInstallerModule, #PostAddFormRequesterModule, #TodoAddFormRequesterModule, #UpdateAddFormRequesterModule, #SubmissionsListAdvancedListSettingsModule, .InfiniteScroller, #ModlogListAdvancedListSettingsModule, #FlagAddFormRequesterModule, #WithheldSubmissionsListAdvancedListSettingsModule, #NavOptionsNavModule pane wrapper, #PermitsModule recordcell.Identifiers, [data-_sViewMode=Grid] recordCell.Preview, recordcell.Ownership, recordcell.Controls, [data-_sViewMode=Grid] recordCell.Identifiers, #StaffListModule table, #HeadlineWrapper overlay, #SideNav > wrapper module pane article form, .MainForm .Submit { text-align: center !important; } #TopGamesModule .Content .AdditionalLinks a, #GamesListModule .Endnote a { padding: 10px !important; background: var(--CSUIDBGColor) !important; border: 1px solid var(--CSUIPurpleColor) !important; font-size: var(--CSUIFontSize) !important; font-family: var(--CSUIHFF) !important; } #SectionsModule .Info .CategoriesListWrapper, #CategoriesListModule record .Info .SubcategoriesListWrapper { margin: 10px 0 5px 0 !important; font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; border: 2px solid rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.2) !important; box-shadow: inset 3px 3px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; background: var(--CSUITextAreaBGColor) !important; } #DiscussionSectionsSummaryModule li { border: 1px solid rgba(158, 158, 158, 0.5) !important; margin-bottom: 5px !important; padding: 5px !important; background: rgba(158, 158, 158, 0.08) !important; opacity: 0.8; } .AdvancedElement_InputSuggestionsList { font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF) !important; color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; padding: 5px !important; font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) !important; border: 1px solid #000 !important; } .AdvancedElement_InputSuggestionsList li { padding: 2px !important; background: var(--CSUIButtonBGColor); border: var(--CSUIButtonBorder) !important; font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF) !important; color: var(--CSUIButtonTextColor) !important; font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; } #ModInstallerPromoModule ul li a { padding: 10px !important; background: var(--CSUIDBGColor) !important; border: 1px solid var(--CSUIPurpleColor) !important; font-family: var(--CSUIHFF) !important; } .RichText h1 .IndexNumber, .RichText h2 .IndexNumber, .RichText h3 .IndexNumber, .RichText h4 .IndexNumber, .RichText h5 .IndexNumber, .RichText h6 .IndexNumber, .RichText .TableOfContents ul li .IndexNumber { font-weight: bold !important; color: var(--CSUIGreyColor) !important; } .MainForm fieldset#LicenseChecklist #ChecklistWrapper ul li span, .MainForm fieldset#LicenseChecklist #ChecklistWrapper ul li select { font-size: var(--CSUIFontSize); } .Content .DefinitionListEntries ul, #ProfileWysiwygEditor .InputWrapper #AvailableModules, #ProfileWysiwygEditor .InputWrapper #TemplateGrid row { background: var(--CSUIULListBGColor) !important; border: var(--CSUIULListBorder) !important; } #SubmissionsListAdvancedListSettingsModule .RecentGames li, #SubmissionsListAdvancedListSettingsModule .SelectedGames li { padding: 5px; background: var(--CSUIDBGColor); border: var(--CSUIDBorder); margin: 3px; transition-duration: 0.15s !important; } .MainForm .InputsWrapper .InputHasError .InputHelp, .MainForm .InputsWrapper .InputHasError .InputError, .MainForm .InputsWrapper .InputHasError .InputWrapper { border-left: 5px solid var(--CSUIRedColor); } #HistoryListModule .Content .Changes li .NewVersion, #HistoryListModule .Content .Changes li .PreviousVersion { margin-right: 5px; } #TopGamesModule .Content .GamesList li a .Banner, #GamesListModule record .Icon, #SectionExplanationsModule #SectionAreas > li .Sections li spriteIcon, #NewBexGamesModule li, #GamesListModule .Content > ul > li .Preview, .PostsListModule .Posts > li .PostReplies .PostsListModule, .lg-toolbar .lg-icon, .RichText .Spoiler { transition-duration: var(--CSUIDTransition) !important; } html.Member_Submissions_Todo #SubmissionsListModule .Identifiers.Status_Complete > span, #TodosModule .Identifiers.Status_Complete > span { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } .Editor .WysiwygPalettes .UsernameInserter ul li:hover, .Editor .WysiwygPalettes .BitpitFileInserter ul li:hover { outline: 2px dotted var(--CSUIPurpleColor) !important; } select optgroup, .SelectLike optgroup { color: var(--CSUIBlueColor); } option, .OptionLike { background: var(--CSUIDBGColor) !important; } .Modal .Contents > module > .Description, .Modal .Contents > module > .LogMessages { margin-right: 0; } #SectionAddFormSelectorModule .Content #SelectSectionStep .Column li a { margin: 5px; padding: 10px; background: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.5); border: var(--CSUIDBorder); } .MainForm fieldset#Category .UberSelect .OptionsWrapper .Options .Selected { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; background: #616161 !important; border: 2px solid var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } .AdvancedListSettingsModule > .Content .ActiveSortsAndFilters toggle { background: var(--CSUIPanesCardBGColor); padding: 5px; border: 1px solid rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.5); color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } .AdvancedListSettingsModule > .Content .Presets ul li { background: var(--CSUIPanesCardBGColor); padding: 5px; border: 1px solid rgba(128, 203, 196, 0.5); } #SubmissionsListAdvancedListSettingsModule .SelectedGames:empty:after { color: var(--CSUIRedColor); font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); } #ContentGrid.HiddenColumnMode.md row > column.md-h { border: 2px solid #000; background: #101010cc; } #SectionExplanationsModule #SectionAreas > li .Sections li itemCount { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor); font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF); } .Editor.DragInProgress .ViewModes .Wysiwyg:after { font-size: 12px; background: var(--CSUIPurpleColor); border-radius: 0 !important; padding: 5px; color: #000; } fieldset#Userid .AdvancedElement_InputSuggestionsList li:hover { background: var(--CSUIButtonBGHoverColor) !important; border: var(--CSUIButtonBorderHover) !important; } #SectionExplanationsModule #SectionAreas > li .Sections li itemCount.RecentlyAddedItems { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; font-weight: bold !important; font-size: 14px !important; } #SectionExplanationsModule #SectionAreas > li .Sections li itemCount.RecentlyUpdatedItems { color: var(--CSUIBlueColor) !important; font-weight: bold !important; font-size: 14px !important; } .Editor .ViewModes .Wysiwyg .RichText .HoveredElement, .Editor .WysiwygPalettes .CannedResponseInserter ul li:hover { outline: 2px dotted var(--CSUIPurpleColor); } .meter1 { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } .meter2 { color: var(--CSUIOrangeColor) !important; } .meter3 { color: var(--CSUIYellowColor) !important; } .meter4 { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } .meter5 { color: var(--CSUIBlueColor) !important; } .Content #AvailableDefinitionListEntries li { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } .Content #EnabledDefinitionListEntries li { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } #ProfileTemplate textarea { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } #UnlocksEditFormModule .Content .InputsWrapper .InputWrapper .SalePromo { color: var(--CSUIYellowColor); } #SectionAddFormSelectorModule .Content #SelectGameStep .GamesList .LetterGroup { color: var(--CSUIBlueColor); font-size: var(--CSUILargeFontSize); } #ProfileWysiwygEditor .InputWrapper #TemplateGrid row column { background: #101010e6 !important; border: 1px solid #000 !important; } .MainForm .InputsWrapper fieldset > legend:after { height: 2px; margin-top: 3px; width: 100%; background: #fff; } #ManagersListModule ul li .SeniorPermitHolder { color: var(--CSUIRedColor); } #GamesNavModule pane header .SubscriptionBenefitsNotice wrapper placeholder { border: 2px dashed var(--CSUIPurpleColor); border-radius: 100% !important; } #TopGamesModule .Content .GameTypeFilters li { padding: 5px; } #TopGamesModule .Content .GameTypeFilters { font-size: var(--CSUILargeFontSize) !important; font-family: var(--CSUIHFF) !important; } .RecipientGroups .RecipientGroup .MasterSwitch .CustomOptionsToggle { color: var(--CSUILinkColor) !important; } .RecipientGroups .RecipientGroup .MasterSwitch .CustomOptionsToggle:hover { color: var(--CSUILinkHoverColor) !important; } #EmbeddableImagesListModule li { padding: 10px; margin: 10px 0 10px 0; } .AdvancedListSettingsModule > .Content .OrderAndSortControls fieldset legend { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); color: var(--CSUILinkColor); } itemCount { font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFont) !important; color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } #RulesModule ol li { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); color: var(--CSUIRedColor); } #SearchSuggesterModule .GeneralSuggestions li { color: var(--CSUIBlueColor); } #OverviewModule .Content .StatBlock dl dd.Type_number { font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF); } .Editor .ViewModes .Wysiwyg .RichText .SelectedElement { outline: 2px solid var(--CSUIPurpleColor); } p.NoRecordsFound { color: var(--CSUIRedColor); } #EmbeddableImagesListModule li input { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } #EmbeddableImagesListModule li label { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); } #Recipients textarea { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF) !important; } #CategoriesListModule record .Icon { opacity: 1; margin: 0 10px 0 5px; } #RulesModule ol li { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor) !important; margin: 10px 3px 10px 3px !important; } .QuestionPreview blockquote { padding: 10px; font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); color: var(--CSUITextColor); background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) !important; } #Member_Submissions_Update #SubmissionsListModule .UpdateHeader { font-size: var(--CSUIH3FontSize); margin: 5px; } p#Countdown { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; font-size: var(--CSUIH4FontSize); } #DiscussionSectionsSummaryModule li:hover { opacity: 1; } #DiscussionSectionsSummaryModule li.ActiveSection { background: var(--CSUIButtonSelectedBGColor) !important; opacity: 1; } #RatingsSummaryModule #OverallRating itemcount { font-size: 30px; } progress { border: 1px solid rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.3); } .RangeSlider span { font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF) !important; color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } html.Member_Submissions_Flag #SubmissionsListModule .Preview ul, #FlagsModule .Preview ul { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } #WaveformVisualizerModule .Content #SliderWrapper { padding: 5px; background: var(--CSUIPanesCardBGColor); border: 1px solid rgba(79, 195, 247, 0.5); } #ModlogListModule .Action.Severity_positive span { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } #ModlogListModule .Action.Severity_negative span { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } #ItemProfileModule article.IsUnavailable { text-decoration: line-through; color: var(--CSUIGreyColor); } img.PreviewImage { box-shadow: none !important; border: 1px solid #000 !important; } #SearchSuggesterModule .GameIndexes { background: var(--CSUIDBGColor) !important; border: var(--CSUIDBorder) !important; } #GamesNavModule pane article .TrendingGames li span small { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor); } rank { font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF) !important; } #OverviewModule .Content .StatBlock dl dd .ChangeResult_positive { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } html.Member_Submissions_Todo #SubmissionsListModule recordCell, #TodosModule recordCell { text-align: left; } #PortfolioEntriesListModule recordcell.Identifiers a { font-size: var(--CSUIH3FontSize); } .Editor.DragInProgress .ViewModes .Wysiwyg { outline: 2px dashed var(--CSUIPurpleColor); } .AdvancedElement_InputSuggestionsList:hover { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) !important; } #ProsAndConsModule { font-size: 18px; } .ThreadPreview blockquote { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); } dd { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); } .RichText .Spoiler { text-shadow: 0.125em 0 12px var(--CSUIPurpleColor), -1px 0 12px var(--CSUIPurpleColor); } .MainForm fieldset .UploadedFiles, .Editor .WysiwygPalettes .UsernameInserter ul, .MainForm fieldset#EmbeddedMedia ul, .MainForm fieldset#Attributes .SelectedAttributes > div, .MainForm fieldset#Attributes .AvailableAttributes > div, .MainForm fieldset#SubmissionAuthors #AuthorGroupsList, .MainForm fieldset#SubmissionAuthors #AuthorGroupsList li .AuthorsList, .MainForm fieldset#SubmissionAuthors #AuthorGroupsList li .BulkAddAuthorInput, .MainForm fieldset#AlternateFileSources ul, .MainForm fieldset#Requirements ul, .Editor .WysiwygPalettes .ImageInserter ul, .MainForm fieldset#Attributes .AvailableAttributes ul .AttributesGroup, #NavOptionsNavModule pane #NavOptionsUiThemeList, .WysiwygList ul, fieldset#OfficialAttributes wrapper .SectionsMenu, fieldset#OfficialAttributes wrapper .Sections, fieldset#OfficialAttributes wrapper .Sections .Section ul, #Recipients .RecipientGroup > div ul, #EmbeddableImagesListModule li, .MainForm fieldset#ChangeLog ul, .Editor .WysiwygPalettes .BitpitFileInserter ul .Editor .WysiwygPalettes .CannedResponseInserter ul { background: var(--CSUIULListBGColor) !important; border: var(--CSUIULListBorder) !important; } .MainForm fieldset .UploadedFiles li, .MainForm fieldset#SubmissionAuthors #AuthorGroupsList li, .MainForm fieldset#AlternateFileSources ul li, .MainForm fieldset#EmbeddedMedia ul li, .MainForm fieldset#Requirements ul li, #NavOptionsNavModule pane #NavOptionsUiThemeList li, .WysiwygList ul li, .MainForm fieldset#Attributes .SelectedAttributes ul li, fieldset#OfficialAttributes wrapper .SectionsMenu li, fieldset#OfficialAttributes wrapper .Sections .Section ul li, .Editor .WysiwygPalettes .UsernameInserter ul li, #Recipients .RecipientGroup > div ul li, #EmbeddableImagesListModule li .Codes, .MainForm fieldset#ChangeLog ul li, .Editor .WysiwygPalettes .BitpitFileInserter ul li .Editor .WysiwygPalettes .CannedResponseInserter ul li { background: var(--CSUIULListLIBGColor) !important; border: var(--CSUIULListLIBorder) !important; } .Content #EnabledDefinitionListEntries li, .Content #AvailableDefinitionListEntries li, #ProfileWysiwygEditor .InputWrapper #AvailableModules .TemplateModule, #ProfileWysiwygEditor .InputWrapper #TemplateGrid row column placeholder, .Editor .WysiwygPalettes > palette { background: var(--CSUIULListLIBGColor) !important; border: var(--CSUIULListLIBorder) !important; } #SettingsPortalModule ul li { margin: 5px !important; padding: 10px; background: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.5); border: var(--CSUIDBorder); } ol, ul, menu, li { list-style-position: inside; } article > ul { padding: 5px; } ul.Posts { text-align: left; } #Recipients .RecipientGroup > div ul li { margin: 5px !important; padding: 5px !important; } #ParticipantsListModule .Entries ul li { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; max-width: 125px !important; } li.OptionLike:hover { background: #424242 !important; } #BexPromoModule .Content > a .MoneyCostOverlay, #BexPromoModule .Content > a .PointCostOverlay, #NewBexGamesModule li a overlay, #GamesListModule .Content > ul > li .Preview .GameName { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize) !important; } #BexPromoModule .Content > a .PointCostOverlay, #NewBexGamesModule li a overlay.PointsCost, #GamesListModule .Content > ul > li .Preview .PointCost { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } #AvailableKeysListListToolbarModule button span { font-size: var(--CSUIFontSize) !important; color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } #NewBexGamesModule li a overlay.Availability { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } .AdvancedListSettingsModule > .Content .Presets ul li:last-child { margin-bottom: auto; } .AdvancedListSettingsModule > .Content .Presets ul li.Selected { background: var(--CSUIDBGColor); padding: 5px; border: 1px solid rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.5); } .AdvancedListSettingsModule > .Content .Presets ul li.Selected a { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } .AdvancedListSettingsModule > .Content .Presets ul li.Selected a:hover { color: var(--CSUILinkHoverColor) !important; } .Avatar.Online:after, .MemberLink.Online:after { box-shadow: none; border: 1px solid #000000; background: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } .Avatar.HasClearanceLevel { box-shadow: none; border: 2px solid var(--CSUIRedColor); } .Avatar.IsRipeSupporter { background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #e84e40, #FFEB3B, #9CCC65, #4FC3F7, #BA68C8); padding: 5px !important; } .AdvancedElement_Switch.List ul li:hover, .AdvancedElement_Switch.List ul li.Selected { font-weight: bold !important; color: var(--CSUIGreenColor) !important; } .AdvancedElement_Switch.List span { margin: 0 5px; } .AdvancedElement_Switch.List ul li { color: var(--CSUIGreyColor) !important; } .tooltipster-base .Title, body > .BananaTip .Title { padding: 5px; color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); font-size: small; background: linear-gradient(45deg, #9e9e9e4d, transparent); } .tooltipster-sidetip .tooltipster-box, body > .BananaTip, #BuddiesNavModule pane article #BuddyChatInitiators.Active li:hover span { background: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.9); border: 1px solid var(--CSUIGreyColor); } .tooltipster-base .Title:after, body > .BananaTip .Title:after { display: none; } .HelpBeaconTooltip { color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); } .QuickDlTooltip li small { font-size: var(--CSUISmallFontSize); margin: 5px 0px 0px 0px; color: var(--CSUIGreyColor); } #EditFormModule .MainForm, #AddFormModule .MainForm { margin: auto; } .MainForm fieldset#Category .UberSelect .OptionsWrapper .Options li:hover { color: var(--CSUILinkHoverColor); background: #424242 !important; border: 1px solid var(--CSUIGreenColor); } .MainForm { max-width: 1000px; padding: 10px; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); border: 1px solid #000000; } .MainForm .InputsWrapper fieldset > legend .Title { font-size: var(--CSUIH4FontSize); color: var(--CSUIHColor); } .MainForm fieldset#Category .UberSelect .OptionsWrapper .Options { background: var(--CSUIDBGColor) !important; } input[type=text]:focus, input[type=password]:focus, input[type=password]:focus, input[type=number]:focus, input[type=email]:focus, input[type=num]:focus, input[type=tel]:focus, select:focus, .SelectLike:focus, option:focus, .OptionLike:focus, optgroup:focus, textarea:focus, .TextareaLike:focus { background: var(--CSUITextAreaBGColor) !important; border: var(--CSUITextAreaHoverBorder) !important; } input[type=text]:hover, input[type=password]:hover, input[type=password]:hover, input[type=number]:hover, input[type=email]:hover, input[type=num]:hover, input[type=tel]:hover, select:hover, .SelectLike:hover, option:hover, .OptionLike:hover, optgroup:hover, textarea:hover, .TextareaLike:hover { background: var(--CSUITextAreaBGColor) !important; border: var(--CSUITextAreaHoverBorder) !important; } input[type=text], input[type=password], input[type=password], input[type=number], input[type=email], input[type=num], input[type=tel], select, .SelectLike, optgroup, textarea, .TextareaLike { border: var(--CSUITextAreaBorder) !important; background: var(--CSUITextAreaBGColor) !important; } input#GameFinder { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); } .Modal, #GamesListModule .Content .SteamInfoRollout { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) !important; border: none !important; } .Editor .WysiwygPalettes .ImageInserter ul:empty:after, .Editor .WysiwygPalettes .ElementConfig.Active:empty:after { color: var(--CSUIRedColor) !important; } .Editor .ViewModes .Wysiwyg .RichText, .Editor .ViewModes .Source textarea, .Editor .ViewModes .Backup .RichText { background: var(--CSUITextAreaBGColor); border: var(--CSUITextAreaBorder); font-size: var(--CSUIFontSize); } .Editor .Toolbars > div { margin: 0 0 10px 0; } .Editor .ViewModes .Wysiwyg .RichText { font-family: var(--CSUITextFF); color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); } .Editor .ViewModes .Source textarea { font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF); color: var(--CSUIGreenColor); font-size: 12px !important; } .Editor .ViewModes .Backup .RichText { box-shadow: inset 3px 3px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); color: var(--CSUIGreyColor); } .Editor .ViewModes .Wysiwyg .RichText:focus { background: var(--CSUITextAreaBGColor); border: var(--CSUITextAreaHoverBorder); } .Editor .ViewModes .Wysiwyg .RichText:hover { background: var(--CSUITextAreaBGColor); border: var(--CSUITextAreaHoverBorder); } .Editor .ViewModeSwitchers span.Wysiwyg { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); background: rgba(186, 104, 200, 0.5); border: 1px solid var(--CSUIPurpleColor); } .Editor .ViewModeSwitchers span.Source { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); background: rgba(156, 204, 101, 0.5); border: 1px solid var(--CSUIGreenColor); } .Editor .ViewModeSwitchers span.Backup { color: var(--CSUIWhiteColor); background: rgba(79, 195, 247, 0.5); border: 1px solid var(--CSUIBlueColor); } .Editor .ViewModeSwitchers span { font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF); font-size: 10px; opacity: 0.6; } .Editor .ViewModeSwitchers span.Active { opacity: 1; } .Editor .WysiwygPalettes { background: rgba(79, 195, 247, 0.05); border: 1px solid rgba(79, 195, 247, 0.3); } .Editor .WysiwygPalettes > h4 { font-family: var(--CSUIMonoFF) !important; font-size: 10px !important; background: rgba(66, 66, 66, 0.7); opacity: 0.6; } :root { --CSUIMonoFF: "Fira Mono"; --CSUITextFF: Arimo; --CSUIHFF: "Doppio One"; --CSUIButtonFF: Aldrich; --CSUIBodyBG: url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DanialZahid/Dark-Theme-CSUI-/master/assets/bg.webp") no-repeat center center fixed; --CSUIFontSize: 14px; --CSUISmallFontSize: 12px; --CSUILargeFontSize: 20px; --CSUITextColor: #e0e0e0; --CSUIDBGColor: #212121; --CSUIDBorder: 1px solid #111; --CSUILinkColor: #ffd54f; --CSUILinkHoverColor: #BA68C8; --CSUILinkShadow: 1px 1px 1px #000, 1px 1px 1px #000; --CSUIBodyTS: 1px 1px #000; --CSUICardBorder: 1px solid #111; --CSUICardHeaderBG: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.7); --CSUICardBG: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.5); 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