// This is a Panface script, please give me some credit! alias "T_vmz" "vmzON" alias "vmzON" "alias T_vmz vmzOFF; alias vmzoom_l vmzoom; vmzoom_l" alias "vmzOFF" "alias T_vmz vmzON; alias vmzoom_l; viewmodel_fov 90" // alias "vmzoom" "incrementvar viewmodel_fov 0 175 1; wait 1; vmzoom_l" alias "vmzoom_l" "vmzoom" // bind "mouse3" "T_vmz" //Below is a more complicated bind so you can keep the original functionality of m3 (+attack3). To use this, put 2 "/"s in front of the original bind command and uncomment (remove the 2 /'s) of the below commands. This will rebind the shift key to something that will make your m3 go from your 3rd attack to the view model zoomer // alias "+cb_shift" "alias +m3 T_vmz" // alias "-cb_shift" "alias +m3 +attack3" // alias "+m3" "+attack3" // alias "-m3" "-attack3" // bind "mouse3" "+m3" // bind "shift" "+cb_shift"