{ "_idRow": 498598, "_nStatus": "0", "_bIsPrivate": false, "_tsDateModified": 1717957643, "_tsDateAdded": 1709332892, "_sProfileUrl": "https:\/\/gamebanana.com\/mods\/498598", "_aPreviewMedia": { "_aImages": [ { "_sType": "screenshot", "_sBaseUrl": "https:\/\/images.gamebanana.com\/img\/ss\/mods", "_sFile": "65e25622803e5.jpg", "_sFile220": "220-90_65e25622803e5.jpg", "_hFile220": 124, "_wFile220": 220, "_sFile530": "530-90_65e25622803e5.jpg", "_hFile530": 298, "_wFile530": 530, "_sFile100": "100-90_65e25622803e5.jpg", "_hFile100": 56, "_wFile100": 100 }, { "_sType": "screenshot", "_sBaseUrl": "https:\/\/images.gamebanana.com\/img\/ss\/mods", "_sFile": "65e25625ecb78.jpg", "_sFile100": "100-90_65e25625ecb78.jpg", "_hFile100": 56, "_wFile100": 100 }, { "_sType": "screenshot", "_sBaseUrl": "https:\/\/images.gamebanana.com\/img\/ss\/mods", "_sFile": "65e256298a772.jpg", "_sFile100": "100-90_65e256298a772.jpg", "_hFile100": 56, "_wFile100": 100 }, { "_sType": "screenshot", "_sBaseUrl": "https:\/\/images.gamebanana.com\/img\/ss\/mods", "_sFile": "65e2562bdeccd.jpg", "_sFile100": "100-90_65e2562bdeccd.jpg", "_hFile100": 56, "_wFile100": 100 } ] }, "_bIsFlagged": false, "_sFeedbackInstructions": "IF YOU ARE HAVING ISSUES, PLEASE REPORT THEM ON MY DISCORD AT discord.csgomod.com! I DO NOT CHECK GAMEBANANA FOR ISSUES\/REPORTS!\u00a0<\/i>

If you are commenting about possible v34\/v90\/nosteam support, I will have the posts removed as piracy support\/discussion is not permitted on GameBanana.<\/b><\/span>", "_sCommentsMode": "open", "_bAccessorIsSubmitter": false, "_aCheckpointCreatorDetails": { "_sUsername": "TheZombieDon", "_aCheckpointCreatorDetails": { "_sAvatarUrl": "https:\/\/checkpoint.cc\/images\/avatar\/21\/03\/26\/605dff0149f07.png", "_sDetailsUrl": "https:\/\/checkpoint.cc\/thezombiedon" } }, "_bIsTrashed": false, "_bIsWithheld": false, "_sName": "[CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source", "_nUpdatesCount": 10, "_bHasUpdates": true, "_tsDateUpdated": 1717289621, "_nAllTodosCount": 0, "_bHasTodos": false, "_nPostCount": 25, "_aAttributes": { "Software Used": [ "Blender", "Crowbar", "Notepad++", "VTFEdit", "Photoshop", "Source2Viewer", "NinjaRipper2", "Audacity" ] }, "_aTags": [ { "_sTitle": "Software Used", "_sValue": "Blender" }, { "_sTitle": "Software Used", "_sValue": "Crowbar" }, { "_sTitle": "Software Used", "_sValue": "Notepad++" }, { "_sTitle": "Software Used", "_sValue": "VTFEdit" }, { "_sTitle": "Software Used", "_sValue": "Photoshop" }, { "_sTitle": "Software Used", "_sValue": "Source2Viewer" }, { "_sTitle": "Software Used", "_sValue": "NinjaRipper2" }, { "_sTitle": "Software Used", "_sValue": "Audacity" } ], "_bCreatedBySubmitter": true, "_bIsPorted": true, "_nThanksCount": 6, "_sInitialVisibility": "show", "_sDownloadUrl": "https:\/\/gamebanana.com\/mods\/download\/498598", "_nDownloadCount": 4668, "_aFiles": [ { "_idRow": 1166271, "_sFile": "downloadlink_aed20.rar", "_nFilesize": 425, "_sDescription": "Please use this to download the mod for the time being|Updates announced will require redownloading!", "_tsDateAdded": 1711906325, "_nDownloadCount": 2621, "_sAnalysisState": "done", "_sAnalysisResultCode": "ok", "_sAnalysisResult": "File passed analysis", "_bContainsExe": false, "_sDownloadUrl": "https:\/\/gamebanana.com\/dl\/1166271", "_sMd5Checksum": "f251ef53390d4bd048f5133765608bd4", "_sClamAvResult": "clean", "_sAvastAvResult": "clean" } ], "_nSubscriberCount": 6, "_aContributingStudios": [], "_sLicense": "Read the license checklist to see what you can do with this mod!

", "_aLicenseChecklist": { "yes": [ "Download and install this Mod" ], "no": [ "Redistribute this Mod on other sites", "Modify this Mod and distribute the modified Mod on GameBanana", "Use this Mod or components of this Mod commercially", "Use this Mod or components of this Mod in adult\/NSFW content" ], "ask": [ "Modify this Mod and distribute the modified Mod on another site", "Use parts of this Mod in another Mod and distribute the Mod on GameBanana", "Use parts of this Mod in another Mod and distribute the Mod on another site" ] }, "_sDescription": "TheZombieDon makes a comeback to modding with [CS:GO Mod]'s latest installment, CS2 Mod for CS:S!", "_bGenerateTableOfContents": true, "_sText": "

The return of [CS:GO Mod] is here with a brand new installment!<\/h1>I present to you... [CS:GO Mod]'s newest mod! CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source! This mod will NOT be in the same style as [CS:GO Mod] For CS:S nor is it a replacement\/update to the old mod.<\/i>

What is [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for CS:S?<\/h1>This mod is  ported on top of the existing [CS:GO Mod] for CS:S weapon base that I have created that features the latest weapon models, skins, and (eventually) sounds! Think of it as my old mod but (unfortunately) without the interface.

As of update 3\/27\/2024, ALL 1000+ weapon + knife skins from [CS:GO Mod] For CS:S have been brought to this mod!<\/b>

If you want to learn more about the mod, what it's known issues are, and commonly answered questions, head over to https:\/\/discord.csgomod.com<\/a> and check out the #faq-cs2modforcss channel and the #known-bugs-cs2modforcss channel!

What does [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for CS:S feature?<\/h1>This is subject to change at any time. Most of these features excludes the [CS:GO Mod] For CS:S knife skins introduced in update 3\/24\/2024 as the skins<\/b> are reused from that mod.<\/i>