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GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

If you are commenting about possible v34\/v90\/nosteam support, I will never allow the mod to work with an illegitimately owned copy of Counter-Strike: Source. You must at least<\/i>\u00a0own the game to use the mod.<\/b><\/span>", "_sCommentsMode": "open", "_bAccessorIsSubmitter": false, "_aCheckpointCreatorDetails": { "_sUsername": "TheZombieDon", "_aCheckpointCreatorDetails": { "_sAvatarUrl": "https:\/\/checkpoint.cc\/images\/avatar\/21\/03\/26\/605dff0149f07.png", "_sDetailsUrl": "https:\/\/checkpoint.cc\/thezombiedon" } }, "_bIsTrashed": false, "_bIsWithheld": false, "_sName": "[CS:GO Mod] For Counter-Strike: Source v2.0.0", "_nUpdatesCount": 68, "_bHasUpdates": true, "_tsDateUpdated": 1723073976, "_nAllTodosCount": 0, "_bHasTodos": false, "_nPostCount": 207, "_aAttributes": { "Development State": [ "Final" ], "Texture": [ "Custom" ] }, "_aTags": [ { "_sTitle": "Development State", "_sValue": "Final" }, { "_sTitle": "Texture", "_sValue": "Custom" } ], "_bCreatedBySubmitter": true, "_bIsPorted": true, "_nThanksCount": 49, "_sInitialVisibility": "show", "_sDownloadUrl": "https:\/\/gamebanana.com\/mods\/download\/217513", "_nDownloadCount": 101699, "_aFiles": [ { "_idRow": 1154990, "_sFile": "csgomodforcss20_portable.rar", "_nFilesize": 71597177, "_sDescription": "Portable version to bypass issues with the auto-update version from March 2022", "_tsDateAdded": 1710339898, "_nDownloadCount": 5241, "_sAnalysisState": "done", "_sAnalysisResultCode": "contains_exe", "_sAnalysisResult": "Archive contains executable", "_bContainsExe": true, "_sDownloadUrl": "https:\/\/gamebanana.com\/dl\/1154990", "_sMd5Checksum": "860afd61eaaa332e4b8e816212104e2c", "_sClamAvResult": "clean", "_sAvastAvResult": "clean" } ], "_nSubscriberCount": 88, "_aContributingStudios": [], "_sLicense": "

You may NOT distribute this with modifications - such as Sounds, GUI, Effects, GFX, or Materials.<\/h1>

Public redistribution is NOT allowed with this pack and its contents.<\/h1>

DO NOT CREATE MONETIZED REDIRECTION LINKS TO MY MOD(S)! I do NOT give permission for anyone to gain money off of clicking a link that goes to any of my mods!<\/h1>

Use of this property on 3rd party sites, or anywhere, is not allowed. This mod is free, and remains free.<\/b>


The standard\u00a0\u00a0CC BY-NC-ND 4.0<\/a>\u00a0LICENSE DOES NOT APPLY TO THIS! AGAIN - DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE AND\/OR MODIFY AND RELEASE UNDER ANY MEANS.<\/h1>", "_aLicenseChecklist": { "yes": [ "Download and install this Mod", "Use this Mod or components of this Mod in adult\/NSFW content" ], "no": [ "Redistribute this Mod on other sites", "Modify this Mod and distribute the modified Mod on GameBanana", "Modify this Mod and distribute the modified Mod on another site", "Use parts of this Mod in another Mod and distribute the Mod on GameBanana", "Use parts of this Mod in another Mod and distribute the Mod on another site", "Use this Mod or components of this Mod commercially" ] }, "_sDescription": "[CS:GO Mod] For Counter-Strike: Source v2.0.0 is finally here!", "_bGenerateTableOfContents": true, "_sText": "

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

GO HERE FOR [CS:GO Mod] CS2 Mod for Counter-Strike: Source!<\/a><\/h1>

[CS:GO Mod] For Counter-Strike: Source!
Edit: As of 11\/19\/2020, this is GameBanana's youngest mod to have over 100,000 total views!! (Can be compared with \"most viewed\" submissions on Counter-Strike: Source, ran through for about 10 minutes comparing the time a mod has been submitted, and on average, the mods that have 100k+ views are more than 4-6 years old! My mod is less than a year old!!<\/i>\u00a0POGCHAMP!<\/b>

Over a year in development, this mod brings every single skin from CS:GO into CS:S, in a skin changer-type program! Every single weapon, glove, and knife skin found in CS:GO is included in this mod, with the inclusion of future skins being added with every CS:GO skin update!
\r\nAs of 8\/21\/2020, my mod - [CS:GO Mod] For Counter-Strike: Source - is officially the world's first CS:GO mod for Counter-Strike: Source to include every single weapon skin from CS:GO into a single mod, for Counter-Strike: Source<\/b>. - That's over 1,300 total skins.<\/b>

\r\nI shall sleep happily knowing I am the world's first to do such a huge feat. Pogchamp to the CS:S modding community, the GameBanana community, and the [CS:GO Mod] community.

Here's to 15,000 more downloads, and 75,000 more views.

Videos (Install Tutorial, Showcases, and More!)<\/h1>